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Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension

Volume 4 (1) - 2001

Reasearch Articles

A Short Prestorage Hot Water Rinse and Brushing Reduces Decay Development in Tomato, While Maintaining Its Quality

Ilie Zoran, Polevaya Yulia, Alkalai- Tuvia Sharon, Copel Aziea and Fallik Elazar

PDF 1900 KB

N Fixation Potential of Cowpea and Mungbean Lines And Its Effects on Succeeding Maize Crop

G.A. Dayathilake, S. Subasinghe and R. Senaratne

PDF 1278 KB

Husk Characteristics of Maize Conferring Protection Against Sitophilus Zeamais

Dansou K. Kossou

PDF 2206 KB

Development of Striga Asiatica Tolerant Hybrid Maize (Zea Mays L.), Varieties

B.A. Ogunbodede and S.A. Olakojo

PDF 1551 KB

Pubescence as A Plant Resistance Character Against Spilosoma Obliqua Walker in the Interspecific Crosses of Soybean

P. K. Bhattaeharyya and H. H. Ram

PDF 1530 KB

An Investigation of Maternal Origin of Morphometric Ally Defined Tilapia Species Established in Sri Lanka

M.P.K.S.K. De Silva and S. Hettiarachi

PDF 1764 KB

Effect of Two Different Water Regimes on Growth and Yield of Different Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Genotypes in Sri Lanka

W.A.J .M. de Costa and N .M.R. S.Nayakarathne

PDF 2920 KB

Effect of Size of Bags and Planting Method of Cuttings on the Performance of Nursery Plants of Tea (Camellia Sinensis L.) Clones

M.A. Wijeratne and E. W.T.P.Premathunga

PDF 1412 KB

Calcium-Calmodulin Complex Mediates the Trans-Differentiation of Zinnia Elegans Leaf Mesophyll Cells in To Tracheary Elements in Cell Suspension Culture

G.A. Dayatilake and R. Rajagopal

PDF 2146 KB

Modifications of Photosynthetic Activity and Chloroplast Morphology Associated With in Vitro Trans-Differentiation of Zinnia Mesophyll Cells Into Tracheary Elements.

G .A.Dayatilake and R.Rajagopal

PDF 3066 KB

Short Communications

Effect of Dual Inoculation With Rhizobium and Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza in Chickpea (Cicer Arietinumy) At Varying Nitrogen Levels

PoonamSharmaandA. S. Khurana

PDF 725 KB

Tomato Production Using Chemical Fertilizer and Nasute Termite Mound as a Soil Amendment in Nigeria

E.C. Nzegbule

PDF 1169 KB


Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533