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Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension

Volume 7 - 2004

Review Articles

N-Nitrosocompounds (NOCs): as Chemohazards in Muscle Foods

Krishna Prasad Rai, R A U J Marapana, Chunhui Zhang and Wenshui Xia

PDF 143 KB

Mating Behaviour in Honeybees (Genus Apis)

Nikolaus Koeniger and Gudrun Koeniger

PDF 563 KB

Rice Diseases- Problems and Progress

S N de Seneviratne and Premala Jeyanandarajah

PDF 7973 KB

Protein Cross-linking in Food by Microbial Transglutaminase (MT Gase) and Application and Usefulness in Food Industry

R A U J Marapana and Bo Jiang

PDF 815 KB

Research Articles

Use of Effective Micro-organism (EM) and Urea in Accelerating the Decomposition of Rice Straw

H M I K Herath, W M D B Wickremasinghe and RB Yapa

PDF 2797 KB

Effect of Fertilizer Application in Nursery for Elite Seedling Production of Pungam (Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre)

R jerlin and KK Vadivelu


Quality of Papaya Variety "Rathna" as Affected by Post Harvest Handling

K H Sarananda, S T Balasuriya and K Ganeshalingam

PDF 656 KB

Effect of Depodding and Light Intensity on Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill) in South West Nigeria

F O Odeleye, A O Togun and T O Tayo

PDF 129 KB

Effect of Cold Storage on Postharvest keeping Quality of Gloriosa (Gloriosa superba L.) Flowering Stems

Mala P Hettiarachchi and J Balas

PDF 107 KB

Effect of Acorn Collection Procedure and Their Characteristics on Germination and Early Seedling Growth in Ban Oak (Quercus leucotrichophora A. Camus) in Tehir Garhwal ReRegion of Uttaranchal, India

Virendra Singh and S K Lavania


Cymbopogon citratus (Lemon Grass) and Citral a+b Spary Treatments Alone or in Combination with Sodium Bicarbonate in Controlling Crown Rot in Embul Banana ( Musa acuminata AAB)

Krishanthi Abeywickrama, Lalith Kularathna, K H Sarananda and D Abeygunawardena

PDF 3663 KB

A Comparative Study of the Involvement of Men and Women Farmers in Improving Farmers' Participation in Adoption of Extention Recommendations in Benue Nigeria

C P O Obinne and E E Idu


Biochemical Composition of Soursop Fruit, Annona muricata L., as Affected by Two Harvest Seasons

C O Omoifo

PDF 614 KB

Marketing of Banana in Some Selected Districts of India

Vinod Wanjari and M S Landaniya

PDF 104 KB

A Study on the Development and Implementation of Enrichment Planting in Peninsular Malaysia

Pakhriazad Hassan Zaki

PDF 208 KB

Artificial Ripening to Reduce the Post Harvest Losses of Avocado

R H Sarananda, U N G C Kumari, J P Eeswara and R M N D Rathnayake

PDF 106 KB

Existance of Fusarium nygamai in the Southern Region of Sri Lanka and a Key for Their Characterization

W P Sapumohotti

PDF 398 KB

Effects of Seedbed Types on Yield of White Guinea Yam (Dioscorea rotundata) Minisetts in Makurdi, Nigeria

M O Ijoyah


Short Communication

Standarising Methods of Quick Viability Test for Pungam (Pongamia pinnata L. Pierre) Seeds

R Jerlin, K Vanangamuddi and R Rajasekeran



Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533