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Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension

"Special Issue on Sustainable Land and Water Management in 21st Century"

Volume 6 - 2003

Review Articles

Water Towers of Humankind Research Perspectives on Hydraulic Resources and Future Development in High Asia

Hermann Kreutzmann

PDF 2439 KB

Nature of Occurrence and Sustainable use of Groundwater Resources for Agriculture in the North Central, North Western and North Eastern Regions of Sri Lanka

C R Panabokke

PDF2368 KB

Forestry in Sri Lanka a Voyage Through Time

L C A de S Wijesinghe


Strategies for Increasing Agricultural Productivity in the 21stStcentury

H P M Gunasena

PDF 875 KB

Forage Tannins in Ruminant Nutrition

Thakshala Seresinhe and K K Pathirana

PDF 1629 KB

Sustainable Soil Management for the 21st Century

R B Mapa

PDF 507 KB

Role of Extension in Irrigation Water Management in Sri Lanka

C Sivayoganathan and M I M Mowjood

PDF 864 KB

High Yielding Varieties of Rice and Land/Water Management

M P Dhanapala

PDF 428 KB

Research Papers

Sustainable Management of Grassland Resources for Ruminant Livestock Production in Sri Lanka

S Premaratne, G G C Premalal and V P Jayawardena


Crop Diversification and Intercropping in tea Lands

P B Ekanayake

PDF 578 KB

Heavy metal Contamination of some leafy Vegetables Growing Within Ibadan Metropolis, South- Western Nigeria.

Sola Ogunyemi, 0 0 Bamgbose and R O Awodoyin

PDF 652 KB

Technology Refinement of Rubber/Banana Intercropping using a farmer Participatory Approach

V H L Rodrigo, C M Stirling, S Theonakoon, A M W K Senivirathna and P D Pathirana

PDF 818 KB

Mucuna bracteata: Ideal cover crop for Efficient soil and water Management in Rubber Cultivation

L Samarappuli, P Kaninadasa, U Mitrasena and N Shantha


Harvesting Policies of Tea (Camellia sinensis L.) for Higher Productivity and Quality

M A Wijeratne

PDF 813 KB

Weed Management in Tea- Recent Developments

K G Prematilake

PDF 1046 KB

Effect of B, Co and Mo on Nodulation,Growth and yield of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)

S Subasinghe, G A Dayatilake and R Senaratne

PDF 492 KB

Sustainable use of Mangrove Fisheries Resources of Sundarbans, Bangladesh

M. Enamul Hoq

PDF 822 KB

Sustainable Aquatic Resources Management in the 21" Century: Some Important Issues

Udeni Edirisinghe

PDF 675 KB

Soil Erosion and Conservation - A case Study in the dry zone of Sri Lanka

P B Dharmasena

PDF 440 KB


Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533