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Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension

Volume 27 (1) - 2024

Research Articles

Physicochemical and microbial characteristics of selected dried fish products in Sri Lankan markets

Thennakoon TMNP, Subodinee AAM, Dilanthi K and Hirimuthugoda NY*

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Impact of organic and chemical fertilizer combinations on growth, yield, and soil carbon in oil palm cultivation at Talgaswella Estate, Sri Lanka

Bulugahapitiya DUH*, Palihakkara IR and Blasuriya A

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Determinants of productivity and problems associated with betel leaf cultivation in Sylhet region of Bangladesh

Upoma MRH, Mazumder MSJ, Monshi MH*, Mouri MH, and Alam M

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Effect of two bacterial isolates on selected improved rice varieties under in vitro and greenhouse condition

Chathurika LGI, Mandic-Mulec I, Greenberg EP, Senanayake G and Geekiyanage S*

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Short Communication

Analyze the seed quality of Capsicum annum (Cultivar; Grossum) by maintaining an optimum number of fruits load in the plant

Dilrukshi WMD*, Dahanayake N, Balasooriya AS, Priyadarshana U

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Cultivar-Specific Growth and Yield of Mukunuwenna (Alternanthera sessilis) in the Low Country Wet Zone, Sri Lanka

Ariyasoma UMUR*, Shyamalee HAPA, Wathugala DL

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Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533