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Tropical Agricultural Research and Extension

Volume 24 (3) - 2021

Invited Review

Mutations in plant evolution, crop domestication and breeding

Ranjith Pathirana

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Research Articles

Root system attributes, morphology and yield of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) under moisture stress

HKA Harshani and KMC Fernando*

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Effect of dietary probiotic supplementation on growth, survival, coloration and stress resistance in Guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters, 1859)

T Samarawardane, K Radampola* and S Rathnapala

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Protogynous dichogamy, leaf morphology and leaf essential oil composition of selected Cinnamomum species in Sri Lanka

MR Prathibhani, RAAK Ranawaka, AR Samantha, Sudarshanee Geekiyanage*

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Impact of harvesting time and postharvest ripening duration on the seed quality of Solanum melongena L. (Eggplant)

GKMMK Ranaweera*, KAT Hasanthika, RM Fonseka and H Fonseka

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How green marketing tools shape consumer purchase behavior

DMM Sandeepani* and GC Samaraweera

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Short Communication

Analyzing suitable combinations of potting mixtures and hormone levels for vegetative propagation of Excoecaria agallocha (Milky mangrove) from Madu Ganga Ramsar Wetland

IR Palihakkara and EMUI Ekanayake*

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An efficient mass propagation protocol for Aegle marmelos (L.) Corr. through in vitro generated shoot tips

DLCK Fonseka*, SANP Hansani and HN Aluthgamage

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Effect of UV treated silver on black polythene mulch on the growth and yield of Capsicum annuum L. (Chilli) Var. MI2 and MI3

WAGCP Wickramarathne*, DL Wathugala, DABN Amarasekara and HKMS Kumarasinghe

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Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533