Effect of two chitin synthesis inhibitors on the reproductive potential of two successive generations of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)

1Institute of Biological Sciences, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
2Department of Zoology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh


Triflumuron and Diflubenzuron, two chitin synthesis inhibitors (CSIs) showed contact activities against T. castaneum. Low concentrations of these compounds significantly decreased the rates of egg laying and egg hatching in two successive generations. Diflubenzuron was found to be more effective and at a concentration of 0.05 ppm it totally stopped egg laying of the treated females. The results suggested that both the CSIs are potent candidates for controlling the population of Tribolium beetles in the stored grains and cereals. Quite low concentrations of these compounds can be used as a surface treatment for the control of insect pests of the stored products.

Key words: Chitin synthesis inhibitor, fecundity, fertility, Tribolium castaneum

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Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533