Colchicine induced tetraploids of radish (Raphanus sativus L.)

IP Manawadu1, N Dahanayake 2* and SGJN Senanayake 3
1Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka
2Department of Agricultural Biology, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

3University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka


Radish (Raphanus sativus L., Brassicaceae) is an edible root crop cultivated all over Sri Lanka. So a few attempts have been made in Sri Lanka to improve crop for higher yield and wider adaptability. Therefore the present study was carried out to improve the Radish (Raphanus sativus L.); variety Beeralu through colchine. Petiole ex-plants from in vitro regenerated plants were used to induce tetraploid by colchine chemical. The different concentrations of colchicine 0, 30, 60 and 120 mgl-1 were used. After 30 days interval colchicine treated petiole explants were transferred to the MS medium with 2.5 mgl-1BAP concentration without colchicine. Then effects of different time durations (5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days) were examined using petiole explants in selected best colchine concentration (60 mgl-1) from the above trial. Cell samples of the root tips were used to identify chromosomes and stomata were observed from epidermal layer of leaves under a microscope (Axio Lab A1) and photos were taken with the associated apparatus to confirm ploidy level. Experiments were arranged according to a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replicates and repeated four times with minimum of four replicates. Roots were induced MS medium with 0.25 mgl-1 IBA. Highest percentage (25.27%) of tetraploid plantlets induction obtained from MS basal medium treated with 60 mgl-1 colchicine for 20 days. Highest stomata length and width (467.54µm, 395.75µm) was observed from tetraploid plantlets while lowest leaf length (25.11cm), lowest root length (16.67cm) and highest leaf width (7.12cm) were reordered in acclimatized tetraploid plants.

Key words: Beeralu variety, Colchine, Radish (Raphanus sativus L.), Tetraploid

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* - Corresponding Author

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533