Perceived Improvement Strategies for Extension Teaching Methods among Cassava Farmers in Edo State, Nigeria

JJKOkoedo-Okojie DU1* and VE Ikharea2

1Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension Services, University of Benin P.M.B. 1154 Benin City, Nigeria


The study assessed the perceived improvement strategies for extension teaching methods, among cassava farmers in Edo state, Nigeria. Data collected from one hundred and fifty (150) cassava farmers through a multi stage sampling procedure by use of questionnaire were analyzed using frequency count. Percentage and correlation was used to determine relationship between variables. The findings showed male (56.0%) dominance and meetings (89.3%) were the most preferred source for receiving proven technologies information. All of the respondents suggested improvement in farm and home visits: by regular visits at least once in two (02) weeks; and visit rotated amongst various home/farms. There is no relationship between the socio economic characteristics of farmers and their adoption of proven technology. The findings show that meetings were the most used channels for information dissemination (89.3%). Consequently, extension visits to the farmers should be sustained after a seemingly success of technology adoption, as this will help to reinforce the message and enhance the accuracy of implementation of the technology packages.

Key words:communication channel, cassava farmers, adoption, perceived improvement strategies.

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* - Corresponding Author

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533