Formulation of Wheat - Soybean Biscuits and Their Quality Characteristics

VD Banureka and T Mahendran*

Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Eastern University, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka


A research study was conducted to evaluate the quality characteristics of protein enriched biscuits which could be used as a protein supplemented cereal snack food. The use of soy flour to substitute it with wheat flour from 0 to 25 % and the possibility of using soy flour for the production of biscuit was investigated. Prepared biscuits were subjected to nutritional and organoleptic analysis to evaluate the suitability of the biscuits for consumption. Protein, fat and energy (calorie) value of soy flour supplemented biscuits increased with progressive increase in proportion of soy flour and 10% soy flour added biscuits obtained values of 9.9%, 20% and 453.58 kcal/g respectively, while lowest values of 5%, 14.5% and 417.36 kcal recorded for the wheat flour biscuits. The moisture and ash were decreased with corresponding increase in the percentage of soy flour. Nine-point hedonic scale ranking method was used to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics of prepared biscuits. Generally the mean scores for all the assessed organoleptic characteristics decreased with increase in the soybean flour. Organoleptic evaluation indicated that there were no significant (p<0.05) differences between the control treatment and 10% soy flour supplemented biscuits in the organoleptic attributes of taste, texture and flavour but differences were significant in colour and overall acceptability. From the overall acceptance rating, 10% soybean flour incorporated biscuit obtained the highest preference compared to other combinations.

Key words: Nutritional quality, Organoleptic characteristics, Protein enrichment, Wheat – soy biscuits

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* - Corresponding Author

Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Mapalana, Kamburupitiya, Sri Lanka

Copyright © 2007 by the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

Print ISSN 1391-3646 Online ISSN 2386-1533